Sunday, March 23, 2008

Hedge Hunters by Katherine Burton

When I picked up Hedge Hunters by Katherine Burton, I had no idea what a hedge fund was. Now that I’m finished with it, I’m still not sure what they are all about. But that’s okay, because the book’s goal isn’t to explain hedge funds. Its purpose is to give the reader a glimpse at the diverse personalities and backgrounds of the most influential and successful of these maverick investors.

Burton does so expertly, sharing biographies and investment strategies of both long-term masters of the field and the up-and-coming talent that threaten to take over the field in the years to come.

The business strategies and attitudes of these hedge barons are as diverse and eclectic as the market itself, as are their motivations and origins, and each bio offers an interesting perspective that will keep you reading until the very end.

So you may not understand hedge funds any more than you did before you read Hedge Hunters, but you will definitely have a better understanding of the traders who have mastered them.

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